Dream League Soccer Kits Barcelona 2019 Edition


Hello DLS Lovers ! after getting a huge amount of requests we are presenting Dream League Soccer Kits Barcelona kits updated the design of 2019. In this article, you can get URLs of DLS Barcelona kits and logos with 512×512 size.

Actually, we have an FB page about dream Dream League Soccer Kits and logos, there we update latest kits and logos and also we make user request logos and kits. So start following us after getting your desired kits and logos from here.

Dream League Soccer Kits for Barcelona Fans

In many websites, they are not updating with new URLs for kits & logos. This provoked me to come up with updated kits for you guys who love DLS and are facing this big issue about finding outdated URLs of logos and kits.

Here you could easily get working URLs. So there is no chance getting an error while entering the URL of logos and kits. All the Kits are of Nike brand which majority of them prefers to have.

Barcelona Home Team Dress Kit

Dream League Soccer Kits Barcelona 2017

URL: http://i63.tinypic.com/2ah9k6c.jpg

Barcelona Team Logo

Dream League Soccer Kits Barcelona 2017


Barcelona Away Team Dress Kit


Barcelona Third Team Dress Kit

Dream League Soccer Kits Barcelona 2017


Barcelona Goalkeeper Team Dress Home Kit

Dream League Soccer Kits Barcelona 2017


Barcelona Goalkeeper Away Team Dress Kit

Dream League Soccer Kits Barcelona 2017


Barcelona Goalkeeper Third Team Dress Kit

Dream League Soccer Kits Barcelona 2017



Dream League Soccer (DLS) Kits and logos of Barcelona have only 6 and 1 logo. Now you can get only these after they design new logos & kits.  Here is the updated Dream League Soccer Kits Barcelona 2019 Edition. Please follow that link to get the new one.

So if you want new logo and kits of any team then you can contact me anytime. Also, I hope you will subscribe to my push notification services.

Thanks for visiting this website and keep follow our website and get latest kits and URLs of any team.

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